First of all, you need to make sure you actually have a foot callus. Corns can easily get confused with calluses. In general, corns are much smaller, painful and normally appear on the toes. Foot calluses are hard areas of skin on your feet. They may even appear white in colour when compared to the skin on the rest of the foot. This is an indication the circulation to that part of the foot has been reduced.
Do foot calluses hurt? Yes, foot calluses can hurt, and may even split. The splits will appear as cracks on the heels on your foot, and look unattractive when you wear shoes like slingbacks.
What is the best home remedy for foot calluses?
Some people claim that natural home remedies can be safer than shop bought conventional treatments. When you suffer from foot calluses, it is likely to be an ongoing problem. The two things you need to focus on are removing and moisturising the calluses.
Your personal foot care kit
We all have different foot problems, and it is a good idea to create your own foot care kit. Remember to include the basics such as a good quality foot file, toenail clippers, and a foot cream to keep your feet soft.
Essential Tea Tree oil is another thing you should add to your foot care kit. Any itchiness on your feet can lead to conditions such as Athlete’s Foot, and Tea Tree is one of the best home remedies to stop a fungal infection in its track. Cotton wool and a pair of warm socks are two more items you may want to consider adding to your foot care kit.
How to create your own best home remedy for foot calluses
Treatments for foot calluses can be expensive and not always pleasant. You can avoid all of that by creating your own home remedy for foot calluses. It is not difficult at all and will only take a few moments of your time.
Natural home remedies are the best when it comes to treating a range of health conditions, and once you have put together this simple home remedy, you will always have it on standby.
This is what you will need for your Himalayan foot spa treatment for calluses on your feet:
- Sealable glass jar – for storing the remedy
- Himalayan Pink Coarse Salt – to be used as a scrub and great for getting rid of dead skin cells
- Ginger Pure Essential Oil – fantastic for circulation
Once you have bought all of the ingredients, making up the treatment is easy. Empty about 250 grams of the Himalayan rock salt in the glass jar and add 15 drops of ginger essential oil. Mix in and leave the oil to penetrate the salt crystals for 48 hours.
Once ready, it can be added to your foot spa, or placed on a flannel to be used as a scrub. Moisten the mixture slightly will warm water, and use as an exfoliation treatment on the callused area. Afterward, use your foot file to more easily remove dead skin cells. The treatment can be used as often as you like, and you will soon notice your feet getting softer.
One added benefit of the Himalayan foot spa treatment is that it can also be used to treat cellulite on the legs. Instead of using a formulation containing plastic beads, the rock salt will remove dead skin cells and the ginger essential oil will help to improve circulation to the outer layer of the skin.
Can you prevent foot calluses?
Preventing foot calluses means looking after and spoiling your feet a little bit. We often forget to look after our feet, and the tendency is to look after our hands more. It seems to be easier somehow.
But, the truth is you should love your feet as much as your hands. Foot calluses often occur when we wear incorrect shoes. Pressure points are created and over time they turn into calluses. To stop this, the best option is to increase circulation.
Walking in “the perfect” shoes is not always possible. Wearing trainers to work is not an option for most of us. However, when you are home, you should try to improve the circulation in your feet. Trainers such as Skechers Shape Ups 2.0 do a great job of doing just that. Not only do they tone your muscles and tendons, but the gentle rocking action will help to ensure better blood supplies to the entire foot.
How you walk matters as well. Walking is one of the best toning exercises we can do for our entire body, but as we often walk around in shoes which are not very good for our feet, our bodies start to compensate. Check out this quick video on how to walk correctly.
Who knows, you may even save some money on your gym membership. Did you know that walking for exercise can burn off 10 calories per minute?
Once you have tried our best home remedy for foot calluses your feet will feel great. Share the idea with your friends, or let it be your own little “foot fetish”.
Disclaimer: Pedi Reviews does not provide medical advice, treatment or diagnosis. Information on this site is provided for informational purposes only. All suggestions on this site should be discussed with your doctor or podiatrist and should not be used as visitor’s sole source of information.
Another rubbish article.
Corns can appear of any part of the foot where the dermis is squeezed between two unyielding surfaces. They have a central hard nucleus.
Callus is caused by intermittant compressive strees and does NOT indicate a problem with the blood supply in that area.
Problems with blood supply to an area causes chilblains, frostbite or an ulcer.
Stop the friction and it will stop the corns or callus. If they are persistant, see a Chiropodist/Podiatrist who will debride them and use deflective padding to stop their return.
If the patient is walking unevenly they could benefit from an orthotic to align their gait better. A Chiropodist/Podiatrist can do this for you.