What You Need To Know About Barefoot Running: Pros And Cons

What are the health benefits of barefoot running? Unless you are a barefoot runner, you may not be familiar with barefoot running pros and cons. Like any other sport, there are some positives and negatives.

To most, it may seem like a very unusual idea. Why would someone want to run barefoot? In fact, most of us do not think twice about walking barefoot. It seems to be something we long to do all winter, and when the summer comes around, we just can’t wait to slip our shoes and socks off to enjoy the natural feel of terra firma.

Barefoot running Pros and Cons

barefoot running pros and cons

Should you go out and run barefoot without seeking some advice? It is not such as a good idea. Some environments are not suitable for barefoot running, and it may not be safe to run barefoot in others.

For instance, running barefoot on a pavement is not a good idea as pavements are often dirty. You risk encountering sharp objects such as broken glass or bottle tops.

What about running barefoot on country paths and bridleways? That may seem like a better idea, but even then you may find it is not safe.

The ground you will be running across is often uneven, and you risk ending up with twigs or other things which can penetrate the sole of the foot. Another further consideration is, of course, biting insects and even snakes.

If you want to have a similar sort of experience without the risks, you may want to consider buying foot glove shoes or five finger shoes that are sock-like shoes that mimic the feeling.

Barefoot running on the beach

One of the best places to get involved with barefoot running is to run on the beach. Most beaches are kept fairly clean and you are less likely to tread on something which can cause you an injury.

Also, there are health benefits to running barefoot on the beach. When you run on sand, you distribute your weight more evenly using a larger tread of your sole. It can be argued running on sand will give you a better workout than using a treadmill in the gym.

You will have to focus on how the sand “feels”. This leads to better balance and posture which in turn improves core strength.

One of the pros of running on the beach is that it gives you a better overall workout. Secondly, it will help to use your foot more effectively. It can be said barefoot running on the beach reaches parts other forms of running can’t reach.

Tendons and running on the beach

When you run on the beach, you will soon find you are developing longer and leaner muscles. It is partly to do with the fact you are treading down on the entire foot. The other factor which plays a role is the development of long lean tendons.

Strengthening your tendons will make your legs appear slimmer and at the same time, it will not cause your leg muscles to “bulk up”.

That is great, but what most beach runners don’t realise is the best pros of beach running are simply that you burn more calories and lose more body fat when running on sand. It is surprising how a little bit more effort can make when you are trying to keep your weight down.

Although running on the beach means less impact, you should never lose sight of the fact you still need to stretch.

If you want to become a beach runner, it may be a good idea to check out the video about specific stretches you should be doing. You will certainly engage more muscle groups in your body when you run on the beach.

The downside of running on the beach

Is there a downside to running barefoot on the beach? Beach barefoot running pros and cons are less extreme than barefoot running in other environments, you still need to know what the cons are with a workout on the sand.

Your feet can become “rough” pretty quick and looking after your feet in the right way after your beach running workout, matters a lot. The sleek physique you will achieve when running on the beach can mean you have some extra eyes on you. Of course, you don’t want to be let down by your most precious commodity – your feet.

Calluses and beach barefoot running

Calluses can quickly develop as you start running on the beach. Running down by the water’s edge will not prevent this, and it is better to be prepared.

When you come back from your beach workout, you should always apply a specialist cream. The creams which work the best may be a little bit more expensive, but they are worth every penny. Alternatively, you can try some home remedies for calluses that may work for you as well.

Believe it or not, one of the best ways to remove every last bit of grain of sand, and keep the feet soft, is to use a body brush. Soak your feet in your home foot spa machine, and then brush your feet with a good quality body brush.

Don’t only use it on your feet, but make sure you also massage your tendons to increase circulation to help to prevent dry skin on your feet.

The more you know about barefoot running pros and cons allows you to make the right decision if it is the right exercise routine for you. Beach running is one of the best exercises for an overall body workout and should not be underestimated. The good news is you don’t need to run far to achieve a positive effect.

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